4 Tips For Smoothing And Lifting Drooping Cheeks

While our genetic heritage mostly determines the appearance of our face, good eating habits and specific care can do wonders.
4 tips for smoothing and lifting drooping cheeks

Have you noticed that your cheeks get a little sloppy? With less firmness, perhaps? Don’t worry, here are a few simple and inexpensive solutions to mitigate this effect, and which make you feel more attractive without drooping cheeks. Find out what they are below.

4 tips for smoothing and lifting drooping cheeks

tips for smoothing and lifting drooping cheeks

As you probably know, small changes are slowly chiseled away over time and begin to change our appearance. This is a natural thing that we need to learn to live with. Although we can always combat the effects of aging with home treatment and beauty treatments, they  will not prevent all signs of aging – ie. we will not achieve a 20-year-old face when we are 50 years old. But we can remain attractive and still make ourselves look good in the mirror. That’s what matters. 

For example, our genetic heritage, weight changes, and good or poor nutrition will affect whether our cheeks collapse more or less. But we can help them – we can mitigate the effects by simple means.  Note this:

1. Facial exercises that remove drooping cheeks

Neck and face

Just as we train to tighten the buttocks or abdomen, we can do the same with our cheeks. Your cheeks also have muscles, so you can strengthen them and straighten them when hanging. This is therefore a remedy worth pursuing. And how do you do that? It is very easy, stand in front of the mirror and make a very excessive and marked smile for approx. ten seconds. Then relax and repeat 5 times. Then fill your cheeks with air, as if inflating a balloon.  Do this again for 10 seconds, relax and then repeat five more times. Finally, massage with both hands in a circular motion just above your cheekbones for 2 minutes, then go a little further down the middle of the cheek where you can feel your teeth. See how easy it is? Repeat the procedure twice daily. 

2. Avocado and honey mask against drooping cheeks

Avocado And Honey Mask

This solution is well known and really easy to execute. You already know that avocados are firming and moisturizing. It helps you to get a more tight and moist skin by nourishing it, so that you avoid the appearance of wrinkles and get the muscles to achieve good nutrition. Just take half of the avocado flesh and add two tbsp. honey. Mix it all well and apply this cream on your cheeks for 15 minutes. It is ideal to do this just before bedtime. After putting on the mask for 15 minutes, rinse it off with warm water. Then it’s just about to be there.  

Mask with yogurt and aloe vera


This is a very nourishing technique and used by many women. Yogurt natural combined with aloe vera acts as a fantastic firming cream and is therefore worth the effort to start with every day. To take advantage of it, just take four tablespoons of plain yogurt and put it in a bowl, then add two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.  Use a spoon to mix both ingredients until smooth. It is very easy as you can see. We smear it on the face with a brush and let it sit for 20 minutes. You will see that it adheres well to the skin. After the 20 minutes you can remove it with water. You will immediately notice a very smooth skin. If you do this every day you will see that little by little you strengthen these drooping cheeks. 

4. Proper nutrition prevents sagging cheeks

GrapeOrange Strawberry

You know that what we get into our body is reflected on the outside. Remember that fluid retention will make your cheeks look bloated and that these differences in weight will have a long-term effect on our metabolism and our skin, which will ultimately look flabby and smooth. All of this can be avoided by following a natural cleansing regimen with juice from grapefruit, orange and even strawberries, which are also great for cleansing and detox.  

We know that sometimes it is difficult, but you will notice that if you limit the consumption of sweets and cakes, it can be seen on your health and your skin. You should increase the amount of salads, fiber, nuts and vegetable proteins in your meals as these are especially good for strengthening the muscles. When we lose weight, the skin begins to sink, and therefore we should always take care of the facial muscles and make them strong and well nourished, so we should take into account the need to consume nutritious vegetable . proteins. Also, do not forget to drink well with water, and thus be able to detoxify and help our bodies to function better. 

It is actually possible to add firmness to these hanging children with a little effort and these simple tips. It’s worth giving them a try.

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