4 Natural Medicines With Baking Soda And Lemon That You Can Make At Home

Baking soda and lemon can be used as a supplement to regulate many different body functions. But it is not a miracle cure. There are some things that need to be treated medically.
4 natural medicines with baking soda and lemon that you can make at home

A glass of water with a little baking soda and lemon juice will make your body more alkaline and provide some excellent health benefits, which we will cover in the following article. In this article we will tell you about 4 natural medicines with baking soda and lemon that you can try!

The health benefits of medicines with baking soda and lemon

It is not difficult to make medicines with baking soda and lemon.  You can do it at home.

There is some controversy surrounding these baking soda drugs. The problem arises when they are seen as miracle cures . We must remember that it is a simple drink and we should not give it miraculous properties or expect it to treat anything serious. We must remember to take it for what it is: baking soda and lemon  are a dietary supplement that can help regulate basic body functions, provide well-being and weight loss, fight inflammation and detoxify,… but it will not cure cancer. Does it provide any benefits? Clearly. But remember to take supplements as directed and take them in moderation.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the health benefits that medicines with baking soda and lemon have to offer:

1. Kidney health

Maybe you are one of those people who are unlucky enough to suffer from kidney or urination problems, kidney stones, or you are losing kidney function.  Each of these factors can make your health worse, but there is a simple solution that you can take after each meal: a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice. This solution will help raise the pH of your body, making it more alkaline. Your kidney function will improve and they will be better able to filter your blood properly and leave fewer impurities in the bladder which can cause an infection. This remedy, recommended by many kidney specialists, will help restore the balance of your body functions and improve your well-being. When the kidneys do not function properly, it is sometimes due to too much acid building up in the system. This alkaline agent will neutralize the acid and will do you good.

2. Better digestion

Our grandmothers always used to say that there is nothing better for digestive problems than a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. If we add a few drops of lemon juice, our food will be better digested and it will fight the acid that can inflame the stomach and esophagus, prevent flatulence and acid regurgitation.

If you are wondering if your body is suffering from elevated acid levels and needs to be neutralized, then take a look at your digestion. If you have difficulty digesting your food, it may be a good idea to take this remedy. Take it to cleanse your intestines of toxins and fermented foods.

3. For a healthy liver

This alkaline beverage can work wonders for the health of your liver . It acts as a catalyst to help the liver cleanse the body more efficiently. Remember, the liver is like the body’s laboratory, which detoxifies, purifies the blood, and forms vitamins and enzymes. If taken daily on an empty stomach, a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice provides vitamin C and antioxidants; and it’s a great way to keep your liver healthy and make sure it works properly.  

4. Weight loss

Do you want to lose weight? Baking soda is again the right solution. Take just one eat es kefuld soda dissolved in a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon every day.  This medication will cleanse the body of toxins and foreign elements that cause inflammation, damage to the intestines and fluid retention. By raising your pH to an alkaline level, it promotes fat burning to help with weight loss. 

How can I consume baking soda with lemon?

Baking powderIVand

The most common way to take baking soda with lemon is in the morning on an empty stomach. The water should be lukewarm, not hot or cold. All you need is a tablespoon of baking soda completely dissolved in the water along with the juice of half a lemon. This drink is ideal for detoxification, weight loss and liver care. If you are taking this remedy for your kidneys, it may be good to drink it after a meal.

Do not use this cure if you tend to experience high levels of stress. Baking soda can increase stress levels. You should also limit your use of this remedy if you suffer from stomach pain because it can lead to discomfort. Remember,  it is a good way to promote daily well-being, but it should not be considered a “miracle cure”.

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