3 Documented Exercises For Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a problem that bothers many. But there are exercises that are backed by science.
3 documented exercises for low back pain

In many countries, up to half of the adult population experiences low back pain at least once. Did you know that low back pain exercises are one of the best treatments available?

In this article we will talk about exercises for low back pain. Which exercises are best and which factors you should be aware of when doing them.

The experts have studied how to deal with this problem. And the only treatments that have really proven to be effective are doing exercises and not lying in bed.

In the article  , we have chosen to give you three exercises against low back pain, which are backed by scientific evidence. Try them today!

Exercises for low back pain

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to treat low back pain is that it is often “unspecified pain”. At least 85% of the people who seek professional help against it have unspecified low back pain.

Experts believe that the cause and aggravation of this type of back pain is a combination of several factors, such as:

  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Overweight
  • Fear of moving
  • Economic, social or family problems
  • Tendency to anxiety and depression

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The most recommended treatment for unspecified low back pain is currently exercises. Here you get three scientifically proven exercises against low back pain.

Strengthening the muscles

In general, strength training is extremely effective against these pains. Especially if you make a plan for training the whole body. In addition, it can prevent relapse.

To create a good plan for strengthening the muscles, it is best if you get the guidance of a personal trainer. Or a physiotherapist you trust if your symptoms are very intense.

Lady in the process of strengthening the muscles

Strength training is effective in preventing and combating low back pain.

What about core training?

It seems that strengthening your core to fight back pain helps because it provides a general workout, not because your abdominal muscles are weak.

In fact,  these exercises are no more effective than others, in the long run. It is also believed that this is due to several different factors, such as:

  • In the natural development of the condition, the pain usually subsides after a few weeks, whether you exercise or not.
  • Strengthening your core is the same as exercising, and it will therefore give you the same benefits as any other physical activity, at least in the short term.
  • When you exercise, you are more aware of what you are doing and can better avoid movements that aggravate your back pain. This allows the body to reduce the pain itself.

2. Aerobic training

Poor oxygen uptake is directly linked to chronic low back pain. Aerobic exercise helps reduce back pain in several ways:

  • It increases blood flow and the supply of nutrients to various parts of the body. This improves the healing of injuries (if you have any).
  • It reduces stiffness in the muscles, which is associated with back pain.
  • 30-40 minutes of aerobics increases the formation of endorphins and thus makes the pain feel less.
  • Aerobic exercise can prevent the need for medication to reduce pain.

The results are the same no matter what type of aerobic exercise and whether it is high or low intensity. But the safest, easiest and cheapest way to get started with this kind of training is by going.

In fact, walking can be just as effective as other non-medical treatments when it comes to reducing pain, both in the short and long term.

You should also read: Treat low back pain with arnica and coconut oil ointment

Pilates, yoga or tai chai also have exercises for low back pain

These exercises require a combination of physical, metal and spiritual concentration. Therefore, they can help reduce the anxiety and stress associated with low back pain.

Exercises in pilates, yoga and tai chi have been proven effective against low back pain as they can reduce pain and act as tools for reconstruction. The choice depends on one’s individual preferences. All three are backed by scientific evidence, for the treatment of low back pain.

Yoga also has exercises for low back pain

Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. In addition, they help to limit the stress and anxiety that comes with this problem.

Lumbar Pain Exercises: What Is Best?

The one that is best for you is the one you can keep doing for a long time. It does not matter if you like pilates, prefer to have a weekly stroll, like going to the gym or love doing yoga. The most important thing is that you like to do what you choose.

What all these exercises for the lower back have in common is that they set the body in motion. So the name of the exercise does not matter – you are free to choose! Try some of these exercises for low back pain and continue with the one that gives you the best results.

Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise routine if, in addition to back pain, you have other symptoms such as:

  • Sudden weight loss for no immediate reason
  • Numbness, tingling sensation or increased or decreased sensitivity in the legs and feet
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • The redness in the area
  • Previously high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis or other diseases

In short, exercise is very good for treating lumbago or low back pain, while constant relaxation can make it worse. Therefore , it is wise to choose some form of physical activity so that you get your body moving. But of course you should avoid exaggerating.

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