2 Diets To Strengthen Bones And Joints

To improve the health of your bones and joints, you can use one of these diets every two months to cleanse the body and regenerate deteriorated tissue as well as promote flexibility in the joints. 
2 diets to strengthen bones and joints

It is estimated that about 20% of the world’s population suffers from joint pain associated with wear and tear, arthritis and osteoporosis. Here are 2 diets to strengthen bones and joints!

These conditions are the result of a breakdown of cartilage, ligaments and bones, whether caused by genetics, age or injury.

What’s really discouraging is that joint pain gradually lowers your quality of life and limits your ability to move, making life’s daily activities difficult.

This often accompanies other symptoms such as stiffness, tension, loss of balance and periods of chronic numbness.

Treatments to control these disorders vary, depending on the individual case and its severity.

But there are a few healthy habits you can implement that will help you protect and improve the condition of your bones and joints.

Today we want to show you two very special diets that have quickly become popular because they are designed with your joints in mind.

Below we give you the details and all the steps you need to take to make the diet at home.

Do not miss it!

Diet to strengthen bones and joints

As joints and bones weaken, it can manifest symptoms such as fatigue, pain and reduced mobility during the day.

Although it may not always be related to a chronic illness, you need to pay attention to your health to prevent more serious problems from developing.

In any case, implementing one of the diets below is a good idea to improve the health of your bones and joints.

1. Cleansing diet

Oatmeal with apple

Before you can strengthen your bones and joints, it is important to first cleanse the body to flush out toxins that accumulate in the cartilage.

These substances promote the development of the disease and accelerate the breakdown of tissue at an earlier age.

Follow this diet plan 7 days in a row every two months.

Half an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water with lemon.

Then eat for breakfast:

  • 1 cup green tea
  • 1 bowl with 15 grapes and two slices of fresh pineapple.
  • 1 glass of peach juice
  • 1 glass of almond milk
  • 1 bowl of oatmeal with slices of green apple.

Lunch and dinner
Your lunch and dinner should both contain plenty of fruits and vegetables and small amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

We recommend:

  • steamed broccoli
  • Raw or steamed carrots with whole grains of rice and corn
  • Baked eggplant
  • Sandwich with tomato, avocado and onion on wholemeal bread
  • Beetroot and apple juice with an omelet seasoned with garlic.

2. Rejuvenating diet


The rejuvenating diet works to regenerate cells and damaged tissue.

It contains all the nutrient groups and enzymes needed to rebuild cartilage and weak bones.

It is packed with vitamins, minerals and proteins that your body needs to keep its bones strong and your joints flexible.

Follow this diet plan for two weeks. Repeat every two months.

As soon as you get up, take a tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of fresh lemon juice.

Wait half an hour, then ingest:

  • 1 cup tropical smoothie made on almond milk, papaya, pineapple and banana.
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread with two tablespoons of almond butter.

Lunch and Dinner
These two main meals should include low-calorie satiating foods.

Ideally, they should be light on calories but not necessarily lack the essential food groups.

Choose two or three of the following:

  • Boiled lentils with whole grain rice and sunflower seeds
  • Baked cod with tomatoes
  • Chickpeas and tuna salad
  • carrot soup
  • Grilled chicken breast with lime
  • Poached eggs
  • Tomatoes stuffed with mackerel and egg pasta
  • Baked salmon with lemon
  • Garlic mushrooms
  • Sandwich with sardines, low-fat cheese, avocado and carrot.

Desserts made with gelatin are excellent for improving joint health. Make a gelatin form with fruit rich in vitamin C, just like lemons and kiwis.


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For best results with these diets then avoid sodas, processed foods and sugar.

Instead, increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Be sure to drink at least two liters of water a day along with vegetable milk enriched with calcium and magnesium.

Finally, remember that exercise and stretching are the key to prolonging the health of these important parts of the body.

Set aside a few minutes each day for some light exercise and stretching to take full advantage of this diet.

Have you tried these 2 diets to strengthen your bones and joints?

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