13 Healthy Activities With A Training Ball

Would you like to learn some good exercises with a training ball? It may be difficult to keep your balance in the beginning, but you will get used to doing these exercises without any additional support.
13 healthy activities with an exercise ball

Exercise balls are also called “fitball”. They are very very popular in gyms. Today we will get into 13 healthy activities with an exercise ball.

To begin with, it was used only by patients who needed rehabilitation after surgeries or with joint problems. Few were used in gyms, for pilates or training.

Many people now have them at home. In this article we will talk about the best activities with a training ball.

Routine # 1 of the 13 healthy activities with an exercise ball, we will show you today

In order to lose weight, gain more agility and strength, we recommend that you do this routine at least twice a week.

If you are scared, you can first support the ball against a wall or a sofa. Over time, you will learn it and not be afraid that it will move when you are about to climb it.

Simply use a training ball and the willpower to do the following exercises:

Abdominal muscles

  • First, you sit on a training ball and lean back.
  • Your feet should be on the floor with your knees bent and at a right angle. The arms are stretched out over your head.
  • Lift your hips as high as possible.
  • Repeat 20 times.
Woman using exercise ball


  • Lie on the ball with your face down and move so that your hips and lower abdomen are only in direct contact with the ball.
  • Put your hands on the floor to keep your balance and legs fully extended.
  • Then walk with your hands so that your feet and shins are supported on the ball.
  • Bend your shoulders 10 times.

Oblique abdominal muscles

  • Lie on your knees and lean in over the ball by supporting one side of your upper body (your knees should touch the floor).
  • Lightly lift your upper body and stretch your legs out.
  • You can stretch the arm, which is free, to keep the balance.
  • Do 20 repetitions on each side.


  • Stand upright and hold the ball with both hands.
  • Turn your toes toward the sides and bend at the knees.
  • Lower your thighs,  but always keep your back straight.
  • The idea is that the thighs are at the level of the knees.

Routine # 2

Once you have performed routine # 1, it  will be a good idea to increase the difficulty of the exercises with your exercise ball.

Now you should have got rid of the fear and you will be able to balance better.

Pay attention to the following exercises:

Reverse crunches

  • Lay the ball close to something that can support you, such as a fence.
  • Lie on your back over the ball and stretch your arms to hold on to the fence.
  • Lift the outstretched legs together,  lowering them without touching the floor.
  • You can also do that exercise by bringing your knees up to your chest.

Oblique crunches

To make it easier, we recommend that you do this exercise close to a wall. That way, you will support your feet and you will have more strength.

  • Lie on your side on the ball (your hip and the side of your thighs should be the only areas in contact with the ball).
  • Place your hand behind your head and lower your upper body to touch the ball.
  • Return to the original position.

Bridge or iron

We also recommend that you use a wall to support yourself in this exercise (at least until you get used to it).

  • Place your elbows and forearms on the ball.
  • Stretch your legs out and place your feet on a surface, such as a wall.
  • Lift your upper body and buttocks (you will end up being diagonal with the floor).
  • Stay in this position for a minute.

Routine # 3


  • Stand upright and support the shin on the ball.
  • With your back straight, bend at the left knee and push the right buttocks backwards. The ball will also move in that direction.
  • Do this 10 times on each side.

Alternating extension of arms and legs

  • Lie face down on the ball, thrust your stomach. The head should be in line with the back.
  • Stretch and lift the right leg at the same time with the left arm  to keep balance.
  • Hold this position and then shift to the left leg and right arm.
Woman using exercise ball

Flying buttocks

You can use weights if you want.

  • Lie face down on the ball, support your stomach.
  • Spread your legs lightly and let the tips of your toes touch the floor.
  • The arms are bent over the head  (elbows at a 90 degree angle) at the level of the chest.
  • Stretch your arms out along the side (elbows facing back) and then return to the original position.


  • Stand up, support the underside of your left foot on the ball with your knee bent. Keep your back straight.
  • Stretch the leg out to the side, making the ball roll.
  • Return to the original position.
  • Do 10 repetitions and switch to the other side.

Hyper extension of back

  • Support the lower abdomen and abdomen on the ball. Keep your hands out to the side.
  • The knees and tips of the toes should touch the floor.
  • Stretch your legs and back. Lift your head.


  • Sit on top of the ball with your legs spread, your back very straight and your knees straight forward (your toes are supported on the floor).
  • Open and close your legs as if you were going to jump the ball.

Would you like to try one or more of these 13 healthy activities with an exercise ball?

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