10 Tips For Maintaining A Clean Home

Our home needs to be clean and tidy, but keeping it that way requires a lot of effort and with limited time available, it can be complicated So here are 10 tips to help you get the job done with a little bit of organization.
10 tips for maintaining a clean home

As much as we might want a completely clean house, everyday life does not allow us to invest much time in it – at least not every day of the week. In this post, we bring you here 10 tips for maintaining a clean home!

However, there are different ways to maintain a clean home. Follow the tips of our article and you will definitely achieve good results:

Create a daily routine

Just like when we make plans to go to the gym, a daily routine is helpful in getting all the most important tasks done in our home.

We can do it easily and in a little time, so we can always keep things the way we want them.

To do this, make a list of all the important tasks you need to do, such as washing clothes, sweeping, floor washing or waxing, cleaning the bathtub, changing bedding and other tasks.

A clean home

After making the list, divide the household tasks into 7 items (sort them by their difficulty or the time required).


  • Monday: Clean the windows.
  • Tuesday: Dust, sweep and wash or wax the floor.
  • Wednesday: Wash.
  • Thursday: Organize the closet.
  • Friday: Clean the kitchen.
  • Saturday: Change of linen.
  • Sunday: Clean the bathrooms.

A routine like the one above will make it easier for you to organize your house.

In addition, the use of a routine will minimize the time you dedicate to housework on weekends or weekdays.

2. Do not have more than you need

Clutter in the home

Of course, there are some things that are truly indispensable. But when you are out to buy something for your home – such as a table, a lamp or some kind of decoration – ask yourself: Is it really necessary? Does it really help make life easier in any way?

If the answer is “no” and you are in doubt about it, it is better to let it go.

Remember: The more things you have in your home, the more clutter and clutter.

3. Use hooks

If you are one of those people who throws their keys, umbrella, bag, wallet and various items anywhere in the home, place coat racks or hooks in strategic areas.

For example, you can place them in the living room, the bedroom, and if you have children in their rooms as well.

By doing so, we can organize the items we leave around during the day.

4. Make your bed before leaving the house

Woman making bed

There is nothing more relaxing than finding a clean, new made bed after a hard day at work. Making your bed also helps keep your room tidy.

5. Wash the plates after each meal

Although you should not waste water, wash your plates every time you use them.

If there is one annoying thing in everyday life, it is finding the dishwasher full of leftovers and dirty dishes.

Household members can just wash them after using them after meals, making it easier to keep the kitchen clean without too much effort.

Additionally, while cooking, wash the utensils while cooking to prevent them from accumulating.

6. Keep your clothes organized

Clothes that are organized

Even if you only have a pair of socks or shirts to lie on, they will make you look like the most messy person in the universe.

Use baskets for dirty and clean clothes. When you do not have the time or energy to wash and fold clothes, everything will be in a convenient place and they will not make your home look cluttered.

7. Clean the washing machine

While it may be a household appliance that we do not often think about cleaning, remember to clean for water and other debris that builds up.

To prevent mold and fungus from growing, leave the door open after each cycle. By doing so, the moisture will evaporate.

8. Keep your pet clean

Dog with bathing cap

Whether you have a cat, a dog, a bird – or whatever! – So always keep the pet clean. By doing so, you can prevent stains on your closets or beds and remove bad odors in your home as well.

9. Put everything in place

You save yourself a lot of time if you just put each item back in place. Your house will look less cluttered and the cleaning will be more efficient.

10. Clean stains immediately

Stove being cleaned

If you spill milk or any liquid on the stove, floor, bedside table or dining table, wipe it up immediately with a cloth ! It becomes harder to remove the stain when it dries.

Keeping your home clean will help you make your life much more harmonious, in addition to making your home look good. It will also reduce stress because you will feel comfortable in a clean home.

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